Solar Energy Home Systems

Solar Energy Home Systems


What is the best solar power energy product mostly use at home.?

Posted by pipoy


A solar hot water system is an excellent way to make your home more "green" and energy efficient. The solar hot water system works in conjunction with your current hot water system and can provide up to 75% of your homes annual hot water needs. The solar hot water system pays for itself within 6-8 years. The automated system is virtually maintenance free and is rated to last up to 25 years.

Whats better than saving money on your monthly utility bills while making your home more energy efficient?

How to design a solar energy system?

Concerning the calsulation:

1-system nominal voltage is 12 v DC

2-system nominal current is 2 A DC

3-days of autonomy are 4 days

4-daily energy consumption is 288 Watt. Hour

5-daily anticipated peak sunshine hours are 4 hours

6-cable and circuit operation losses are 0.25 ohms

7-PV panel power is 18.75Watts

8-100 A rechargable battery.

I have done some calculation but i still need to get from you.

Thank You for answering.
Posted by mu86neer


Can be used to decrease or eliminate energy costs, reducing our impact on the environment and saving people money in the process. If you wish to design your own solar electric system, it pays to be prepared.

Step 1-Determine whether you will need to tie your solar electric system into the existing power grid or you wish to design it for use off the grid. This will depend on your precise location and how near you are to a power line.

Step 2-Calculate how much sun your area gets, and whether there are any obstructions which may cast shadows on your solar panels.

Step 3-Perform a power load analysis to determine what your electric needs will be. The table provided at can help you calculate your requirements (see Resources below.)

Step 4-Determine the output of the panels you wish to use (based on their capacity and how much sun they will receive), the battery you have in mind, and the inverter your home will require.

Step 5-Compare your expected panel output with the amount of space your solar panels will require, and then compare that to the amount of space you have available. This will determine how much energy you can reasonably produce with your solar electric system, and should be incorporated into your design.

Step 6-Prepare a contingency for those times when the sun does not shine enough to produce adequate power. If you are on the grid, it will mean paying for electricity through the power company. If you are off the grid, it will mean using alternate forms of electric power such as generators.

Step 7-Choose your components based on what you require. These will vary widely depending upon your circumstances, but will include the solar panels themselves, mountings and means of securing the panels, conduits and wiring, an appropriate battery or generator, and an inverter to convert the panels DC power to AC use.

How Much Green Home Energy Does An Active Solar Energy System Provide?

Posted by Sylvan


Active solar energy can power 40-80% of your home energy needs. Anything less than 40% is not cost effective. Besides home heating, active solar is awesome for air conditioning, detoxification of contaminated water and thermoelectric power generation.

For maximum green power, position your solar collectors true south, tiled at an angle equal to your latitude plus 15^0. The best time is 9am to 3pm when the collectors receive the most sun rays. Its good for energy collection and optimum storage.


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