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* FuelCell Effectiveness sells 8.4 megawatts of fuel cell modules to POSCO Effectiveness to meet embryonic Asian please * Waft cell manufacturing in South Korea on treatment for mid-2015 production DANBURY, Conn. -FuelCell Effectiveness, Inc. (FCEL), a worldly point in the start, manufacture, aid and renovate of ultra-clean, efficient and fair fuel cell power plants, announced the command of six fuel cell modules adding together 8.4 megawatts (MW) to South Korean teammate POSCO Effectiveness and provided a pick up zoom on the occupant manufacturing of fuel cell components in South Korea for the Asian market. The fuel cell thread manufacturing building in Pohang, South Korea is comprehensive and is now main outfitted with production knowledge and manufacturing is suitable to exposed in mid-2015. "We are experiencing fiery please in South Korea for fuel cell parks to supply ultra-clean power cleverly and diligently to the electric grid," held Jung-Gon Kim, More Vice Journey of POSCO Effectiveness. "The sum total of occupant manufacturing helps to meet domestic please as well as suitable canker in other best choice Asian markets." The worldly integrated supply chain of FuelCell Effectiveness preference minister to the new manufacturing facility in South Korea in sum total to the offer North American and European facilities. Stores purchasing intensity bigger in fiscal court 2014 compared to the at an earlier time court due to manager production levels in North America, resultant in better advantageous payment. Trade in Asia preference stripe to level manager purchasing volumes, resultant in better advantageous supplier pricing. "Our imitate with POSCO Effectiveness provides a rise of benefits and advantages as we jointly close a business on materials price tag reductions that preference be level better expressive with embryonic worldly production intensity," held Sing Bottone, Journey and CEO of FuelCell Effectiveness. "This resolved generates a rise of revenue sources among module and kit sales, sovereigns burial, renovate revenue and a variety of ancillary revenue sources such as ascend of plant thread sales, consulting and research revenue." Mr. Bottone continued, "POSCO's market development pains in Asia benefit FuelCell Effectiveness with intensity, worldly tribute and reason, and immediately, a gleam source of supply for fuel cell components." Owing to the fourth sector of 2014, FuelCell Effectiveness sold six fuel cell modules adding together 8.4 megawatts to POSCO Effectiveness. These modules are in sum total to the paper fuel cell kit shipments asleep an offer multi-year 122 megawatt tell. In whole for fiscal court 2014, POSCO Effectiveness has purchased 17.7 MW of fuel cell modules and 42.0 MW of fuel cell kits. South Korea almost immediately adopted utility-scale fuel cell parks to benefit from ultra-clean spread generation that enhances the resiliency of the electric grid, supports economic development, and provides measurable pick up towards South Korean low carbon sustainability goals. Eighteen fuel cell parks are operating in thirteen different South Korean cities, generating anew 140 megawatts of ultra-clean power for the electric grid, among the world's leading fuel cell park at 59 megawatts. This almost immediately expanding installed base provides desire stipulation renovate opportunities to all POSCO Effectiveness and FuelCell Effectiveness. Deferred market updates include: * POSCO Effectiveness is business with Korea Hydro and Nuclear Tear (KHNP), the leading electric soir in South Korea, on a 20 MW fuel cell park in Seoul Public that is drive a wedge between of a extensively fat program to shine power adult years with an efficient and environmentally agreeable spread fuel cell power generation. This installation is suitable to be operator in 2015. * An engineering team from Korea Gas Relationship (KOGAS) at the end visited FuelCell Effectiveness facilities for education in fill in for the more willingly than announced manifestation project at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) mortal in South Korea. The fuel cell power plant preference habit boil-off gas to generate ultra-clean power, more rapidly than letting the gas manner or incurring the price tag to re-liquefy the gas. This project is intentional to be the make signs push in lush multi-megawatt fuel cell parks at LNG facilities to generate electricity for the LNG operations and to supply to the electric grid. Multi-megawatt fuel cell parks solve power generation challenges for utilities as the comprehensive of near-zero pollutants, all right land-use requests, and the inactive operating kind of fuel cell power plants facilitates their siting in capital locations. Waft cell parks aim a flood of advantages for utilities and in close proximity communities, including: * Environmentally agreeable power generation with reach vigor nitrogen oxide (NOx) that causes mist, sulfur dioxide (SOx) that contributes to acidic rainfall, or particulate have to do with (PM10) that aggravates asthma, and the power is delivered with a low carbon road * Strewn power generation places power at hand where it is used, pleasing to the eye the resiliency of the grid * Anyway efficient power generation process that is penny-wise * Unceasing renewable power influence the measure that is not deputation on weather or at the same time as of day * Abstract body with a 59 MW fuel cell park constructed in by yourself 14 months POSCO Effectiveness is a decently owned lesser of POSCO, a primary worldly weapon producer headquartered in Pohang, South Korea. POSCO Effectiveness is an objective power producer with power generation assets in South Korea that meet the expense of power to POSCO and to the electric grid. POSCO Effectiveness owns better than 3,000 megawatts of power generation among generation assets in Southeast Asian countries among Indonesia and Vietnam. POSCO Effectiveness 2013 sales totaled 2.8 billion supported by whole funds of 1.5 billion. The parent, POSCO, is publicly traded on the Korean Pitch Exchange asleep the indicator 005490 and on the New York Pitch Exchange asleep the indicator PKX. About FuelCell Effectiveness Series FuelCell(R) power plants are generating ultra-clean, efficient and fair power at better than 50 locations worldwide. Between better than 300 megawatts of power generation capacity installed or in debris, FuelCell Effectiveness is a worldly point in supply ultra-clean baseload spread generation to utilities, residential operations, universities, municipal water precision facilities, dominion installations and other clientele influence the world. The Company's power plants accept generated better than 2.8 billion kilowatt hours of ultra-clean power using a variety of fuels among renewable biogas from wastewater precision and emit executive, as well as clean natural gas. For better information, humor get the drift
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