Sweet Energy

Sweet Energy
by numgallery

Like the guardians of an endless renewable sweet energy, these wind turbines point to the sky their 400 ft high metal structure. Some wind power plants can supply electricity to small urban areas. They seem a promising source of energy to such a point that they grow everywhere in the world. But collectives start to structure themselves and claim all kind of arguments bordering on irrational fears to stop or limit implantation of wind turbines. They highlight the possible sound nuisance for residents, the variability to produce electricity and other environmental considerations such as esthetics or danger for birds. According to them, if the trend goes on like today, wind turbines will be likely to pop up erratically anywhere like mushrooms. To respond to the controversy engineers start to set up important wind farms offshore where winds are less dependent on natural or artificial relief like buildings. But again some groups contest the technology for the same reasons as the "onshore protesters" They oppose to wind turbines at sea as installations cause noise and spoil seascape because the first wind farms were operating in shallow waters nearby the shoreline. Today with development in the field of new foundation technologies, wind turbines can be built further offshore in deeper waters. On the other hand wind turbines and solar panels contribute to reduce global warming. They do not emit toxic gas and radioactive wastes not to mention the possible economic boom in areas hit by recession.

During the last decade, wind turbines reserved for individual purpose or local source of energy are available on the market. Usually they are portable and luckily smaller so that they could be built on the top of a building or the backyard.


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