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Helen asks...DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ONLINE CREDITED RENEWABLE ENERGY COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS? I am a stationary engineer by trade and want to add RENEWABLEENERGY coursework to my resume!WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Go green and save money![url=]Green Renewable Energy[/url] Michael asks...HOW DO RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS (RECS) WORK? Is it an incentive to use RENEWABLEENERGY?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: The basic idea that people who feel bad about something can buy them to get rid of the guilt. The way that they work is that a very small amount (much less than the subsidies and tax breaks given to politically correct energy) of money goes to those who operate a wind turbine or solar panel (or even methane gas recovery systems at landfills, sometimes things that would have to be built regardless of whether any carbon credits were sold), the amount of money that the carbon offset actually provides is really too small to actually encourage use of politically correct energy, especially when you consider how much bigger the subsidies are (and they really are over-subsidised compared to how much energy they produce). Of course there are renewable energy credit systems that do actually help, just that they cost so much more that the frauds out compete them (and governments don't seem too interested in keeping that sector honest, some such schemes are actually run by the government, including some that sell more renewable energy than they actually generate (in other areas of the economy the word used for that is fraud)). The main purposes that renewable energy credits serve are to act as indulgences and to help fool people into believing that fossil fuels can be replaced without using nuclear power (which thereby prevents fossil fuels from actually being replaced and keeps the coal and oil companies in business). Laura asks...WHY TAX CREDITS SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN FOR USING RENEWABLE ENERGY? For debate team we are debating the resolution that tax CREDITS should/should not be given for using RENEWABLEENERGY. Please help by posting websites for and against it! ThanksAz0rWINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: I don't know any web sites but I can tell you why I don't like the idea of tax credits for alternative energy. Tax credits are a penalty against conventional energy sources. If the alternatives are so great they shouldn't need tax credits to make them competitive. Using tax credits to make alternative energy able to compete with conventional sources doesn't encourage the companies that make alternatives from improving their products to compete in a free market. The tax credits have to be replaced with some other source of revenue or savings. The term "savings" is not known to the government so they raise taxes or increase the deficit. Their is also the administrative cost of monitoring the tax credits. That means more government. Let the laws of supply and demand work without government interference Maria asks...WHEN ARE REPUBLICANS GOING TO START SUPPORTING RENEWABLE ENERGY? Republicans are the biggest opponents of RENEWABLEENERGY legislation in Washington right now. Why? FARMS ANSWERS: We do support renewable energy. The sources of renewable energy are just not reliable and we do not have enough of any of them right now. What most republicans want is for there to be a comprehensive energy package with nothing off the table. That means drilling, solar, nuclear, wind and whatever other sources can be invented or created. We are not slaves to the environmentalists who want only so-called clean energy. Democrats seem to be in the environmentalists pockets and are not willing to discuss anything except what the environmentalists will accept. Robert asks...WHAT DOES MCCAIN HAVE AGAINST RENEWABLE ENERGY? Have you read McCain's ENERGY plan, known as The Lexington Project? He proposes expanding domestic oil production, committing 2 billion to clean coal (despite the fact that science shows there is no such thing as clean coal), and building more nuclear power plants. But he says frighteningly little about solar, wind, or hydro power: "To develop these and other sources of RENEWABLEENERGY will require that we rationalize the current patchwork of temporary tax CREDITS that provide commercial feasibility." What does this mean? This sounds to me like a bunch of gobbledy-g00k. Why are billions of dollars being committed to further oil and coal production but not a single dollar is proposed for RENEWABLEENERGY? There are no responses because the question won't post. I completely agree with you that ethanol is the worst idea anyone has ever come up with in regards to the ENERGY crisis.but the fact remains, McCain's plan does not allocate a single dollar toward RENEWABLEENERGY. Read it for yourself, don't blame me.WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Sto say not a single dollar is being used for renewables is asinine. I am paying twice as much for food because corn is being wasted for a fuel that doesn't work. Posting lies doesn't make it true. That is why you have no responses. Sorry for being harsh. I just really don't like paying more for food because of a failed lib idea. I think McCain will allocate a substantial amount for renewables (as he should). Powered by Yahoo! Answers
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