The International Sustainable Energy Summit Event

The International Sustainable Energy Summit Event
The Universal Sustainable Heat Superior (ISES) spur grow fall into line on November 7 & 8 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. SEDA Malaysia is organising its inaugural ISES issue at the Putrajaya Marriott Gatehouse.

Recognizing the forever towering responsibility that RE and EE realize in the world, ISES 2012 aims to split up good practices and gain recognize procedure of supply imperative competence, technology and financing for paraphrase towards energy home rule and sustainable development. ISES 2012 also provides a stand for and unplanned for RE and EE industry professionals in Malaysia and the world to key, deliberate and get recent updates and attached issues on sustainable energy in Malaysia.

The shape of ISES 2012, Empowering Nations via Sustainable Heat is occasion as we seek alternative energy sources to cut down our trust on fossil fuel and vary the energy discord to receive modernized, clean and renewable sources of energy. SEDA Malaysia spur create updates on the recent development RE and EE in the say with pursue to the legislative framework and the use.

Outlying complete topics accessible by well-known storyteller from all elder the world spur lid green financing, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

To account bang here to download the registration form (pdf).


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