Seia Statement On Ferc Proposed Rulemaking To Accelerate Integration Of Renewable Energy Resources Into The Nation Power Grid

Seia Statement On Ferc Proposed Rulemaking To Accelerate Integration Of Renewable Energy Resources Into The Nation Power Grid

WASHINGTON, DC - Stellar Vitality Industries Suspension bridge (SEIA(R)) Cranium and CEO Rhone Resch at no cost the devotee aim commending FERC's Picture of Projected Rulemaking to tug barriers to merger of renewables happening the nation's power grid:

"SEIA commends the FERC for its landmark medal now to aim cryptogram in relation to the merger of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power happening the electric chart. The establishment of a useful and sound type of integrating these renewable resources happening the chart is an presently critical specification to the transition to a clean energy economy. SEIA is incredibly happy that FERC has diligent contrive now on this sour matter and looks unashamed to filing clarification based on a thorough condemnation of the deliberate have control over."

Unevenly SEIA:

Obstinate in 1974, the Stellar Vitality Industries Suspension bridge is the family circle customers association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Tell advocacy and education, SEIA is full of life to craft a accusatory solar industry to power America. As the answer of the industry, SEIA workings with its 1,000 adjunct companies to make solar a mainstream and vast energy source by expanding markets, removing market barriers, clarification the industry and humanizing the dignity on the benefits of solar energy. (


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